1050 Price Road SE, Albany, OR 97322
702 Sunset Drive, Ontario, OR 97914
702 Sunset Drive, Ontario, OR 97914
101 East Main Street, Enterprise, OR 97828
207 SW 1st Street, Enterprise, OR 97828
3610 Midway Drive, Baker City, OR 97814
3700 Midway Drive, Baker City, OR 97814
2301 Cove Avenue, La Grande, OR 97850
1101 I Avenue, La Grande, OR 97850

Grande Ronde Recovery is known mostly for their substance abuse counseling and help. Both in-patient and out-patient services are offered inside this clinic for those who may be suffering from the issues.

The center is located in La Grande, OR in Union County. Located in the neighborhood area, the center can be found by the EOU Grassy Field and Tennis Courts of the area.

Those who are looking for help to overcome a substance abuse issue can reach out to the necessary help through the use of this center. Calling on these professionals can ensure you get the compassionate help, but also a place to recovery quietly.

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