
  • three friends hanging out with different genetics

Drinkers’ Genetics Could Be More Prone to Behavioral Addictions

People who drink regularly also tend to have other behavioral issues. Scientists have found genetics related to regular drinking and other addictive behaviors. They found that people who drink are more likely to have addictions to social media, internet use, gaming, exercise, gambling, hair pulling, or eating. They believe that people who share these issues

  • man alcoholic binge drinker

Older Americans Have a Binge Drinking Problem

Older people in America are binge-drinking even more dangerously than in years past. While young people aren’t drinking more than usual, people over the age of 30 are drinking a lot more, according to information put out recently by the Centers for Disease Control. (CDC) The CDC Report Numbers The CDC report, published Thursday, shows

2020-01-17T17:57:07+00:00Tags: , , , , |
  • alcohol related deaths

1 in 20 Deaths Worldwide is Alcohol-Related

A startling new report from the World Health Organization shows the impact of drinking across the globe. According to their studies, 1 in 20 people who died has been impacted by alcohol, whether they die from an accident or disease. Alcohol is linked to more than 200 health conditions, including liver cirrhosis, some forms of

2018-09-21T19:55:05+00:00Tags: , , , , |
  • poor with heart disease

Research Connects Poverty, Alcohol to Heart Disease

Research from a Norweigan study reveals that low-income people who drink daily are more likely to suffer from heart attacks and other forms of heart disease. The Alcohol Consumption Study The researchers divided their subjects by economic class and education before commencing the study. They discovered that people in middle and upper social classes who

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