
  • jail doctor prescribing MAT

Cincinnati Jail Offers MAT for Inmates with Opioid Addictions

Many people who live life in recovery talk about the alternatives to staying sober; jails, institutions, or death. In Cincinnati, a new spark of hope and resources within the prison itself are setting out to change these options. Medication-assisted treatment for addicted inmates creates hope inside of jail and can help inmates when they leave,

2019-06-20T15:55:34+00:00Tags: , , , , , , , , |
  • dr writing marijuana prescription

OH Wants to List Opioid Use Disorder for Medical Marijuana Use

On September 8, 2018, Ohio will be implementing their first medical marijuana program. The program will help dispense marijuana as pain relief to people with health conditions such as fibromyalgia, and inflammatory bowel disease are already approved for the program, but addiction experts have doubts about its effectiveness treating other addiction While some wellness advocates

2018-09-03T00:59:33+00:00Tags: , , , |
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