
  • jail doctor prescribing MAT

Cincinnati Jail Offers MAT for Inmates with Opioid Addictions

Many people who live life in recovery talk about the alternatives to staying sober; jails, institutions, or death. In Cincinnati, a new spark of hope and resources within the prison itself are setting out to change these options. Medication-assisted treatment for addicted inmates creates hope inside of jail and can help inmates when they leave,

2019-06-20T15:55:34+00:00Tags: , , , , , , , , |
  • man ready to leave prison

Naltrexone Helps Inmates Get (and Stay) Clean

With treatment costs often out of range for private individuals without insurance, many corrections facilities are taking an innovative approach to tackling substances abuse within prison walls and beyond. If there are no beds available for treating addicts, is it possible for opiate users to stay clean when they get out of prison? And if

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