
  • kids with vaping juul

FDA Bans Juul Sales In The United States

Last week, the FDA ruled that Juul, the primary maker of smokeless tobacco products worldwide, cannot sell or market their product in the United States anymore. The ban comes after years of back and forth between regulators and the company. Juul has been heavily invested in by Altria, the primary manufacturer of cigarettes and other

2022-06-29T00:04:08+00:00Tags: , , , , , |
  • vape pen for nicotine

One in Five American Teens Has Vaped Nicotine

Last year, in September, the US Food and Drug Administration put out a stern press release declaring vaping “an epidemic” among young people, particularly minors. We’ve detailed some information about how vaping tobacco appears to be a gateway into other tobacco use for young people, rather than an exit path for adult smokers looking to

2019-02-13T17:22:10+00:00Tags: , , , , , |
  • vaping oil

Synthetic Drug Vaping Oil Causes Army to Issue Health Warning

The US Army issued a public health warning for synthetic drugs last week in response to what they view as a public health emergency. Vaping oil, marketed as synthetic cannabinoids, has caused hospitalizations in several branches of the military. They say that these drugs are responsible for at least 60 hospitalizations in the past year

2018-02-12T15:10:00+00:00Tags: , , , , , , , |
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